$13.00 USD

Every month

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M.E.T. Seminar

Join the M.E.T. Seminar now to learn and improve your singing!

What you'll get:

  • Lessons on special singing topics
  • The chance to ask questions about singing you always remember as soon as your lesson ends
  • Access to the ENTIRE team of Associate Teachers at M.E.T. Studio of Voice
  • Live one-on-one coaching

Worried about not having time to attend? 

Not a problem! Every seminar will be recorded and emailed straight to you the next day so that you can still get the lessons, exercises, and training you're paying for.

What People Are Saying:

She went above and beyond and created a very comfortable environment!


So grateful for this team and looking forward to seeing where this journey takes me!


I have noticed a dramatic improvement with my voice, I have learned skills and technique to keep my voice healthy from fatigue and I have expanded my vocal range.
